LEGION Model Builder Help

Spatial conflicts

A spatial conflict occurs in batch partitioning when two or more suggested FDZs would, if generated, occupy the same space. This occurs when Entities have a choice of routes around an obstacle. When a conflict is detected, the software stops processing the accessible space. Non-conflicting polygons are added to the model as FDZs, a warning message is displayed and conflicted areas are coloured red.

This is an example of a spatial conflict:

The red area is the conflicted area where both focal targets are suggesting FDZs that would overlap.

There are three ways to resolve the conflict:
  • Manually draw FDZs and Drift Zones in the conflict area.
  • Start the Interactive FDZ partitioning process. This continues from the last suggested focal targets of non-conflicting FDZs and it enables you to choose which route should be followed.
  • Split the conflict area using a Partition Guide and then resume the batch partitioning.